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Hachi Wave Responded to the U.S. Department of Commerce

Hachi Wave Responded to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, regarding the advancement of 6G telecommunications technology.

Initiatives toward Open RAN

Toward Open and Intelligent Wireless Networks

KDDI Successfully Turns On the World’s First 5G Standalone Open RAN Site Powered by vRAN in Japan

Using Open RAN architecture powered by vRAN, KDDI accelerates the delivery of enhanced mobile services to its customers

Japan’s Rakuten Mobile making gains with Open RAN

Breakeven in sight for Open Ran operator in long campaign against established carriers NTT Docomo, KDDI and Softbank

U.S.-Japan Focus on Scaling Up 5G Open RAN Technology

The U.S. and Japanese governments have been trying to promote the global deployment of secure fifth-generation (5G) telecommunications networks in recent years by supporting Open Radio Access Network (RAN) technology.